Thursday, 1 November 2012

TASK 5d: Ethics within my Inquiry.

I am keen to converse with my SIG and see how they feel about the ethical principals within my inquiry. I will also take the idea to an experienced practitioner outside this course to get their view. 

Here is my area of inquiry again...

"I wish to inquire about the transitional journey from actor or performer to teacher. Exploring the change in approach and concept to the practitioner's practice, the steps that need to be taken to get there and the transferable skills a practitioner already has. The questions and research will guide my steps as I make changes from actor to teacher and act as preparation for teacher training. The inquiry will not only inform myself along this transitional journey, but will become a useful guide to future practitioners wishing to learn about becoming a teacher, both on the BAPP programme and beyond" (Ahmet, A. 2012).

Here is what I've already said in my critical reflection of the reader on professional ethics...

"Looking at my inquiry, I think the issues I will need to look at is confidentiality. I am looking at speaking to teachers, I need to respect their promise of code of conduct. Working with children will no doubt be restricting and I will need to adhere to there confidentiality needs for both moral reasons and for the good of the reputation with my networks. I would need to be careful, that the research has the right balance of informal enough to be formal. I don't want to scare people away, these are my affiliations after all. So there needs to be a 'serious fun' approach to my inquiry" (Ahmet, A. 2012).

I now turn to my SIG. How ethical is my inquiry? I can not really foresee any major ethical difficulties but keen to here your view on this... Thanks Guys! 


  1. Hi Ahmet

    I'm extremely interested in your views coming from a performance background and going into teaching. I recently posted a blog (earlier today) that discusses the use of drama in teaching and whether teachers feel comfortable in utilising these skills in the classroom. It is easy, I feel as a performer to say that to get up and work dramatically with children would be beneficial and should happen regularly but in today’s schools are teachers willing to do this. Do you feel any in your professional environment would be comfortable in doing so? Do you feel that using humour such as The Reduced Shakespeare Company with the children could upset the balance of hierarchy/discipline in the classroom? Could this be a reason to step away from working dramatically?

    I believe that schools could possibly invest in training opportunities that sees teachers of non-creative subjects to implement different teaching techniques could lead to a greater level of access from young people that perhaps have different learning styles and struggle with the typical teaching environment/style of the classroom.

    What are your views I'd be really interested to hear.


    link to blog as mentioned previously

  2. Hey Anthony,

    Thanks for you comment. This is an area I've looked at recently. Today's classroom is a tough place. Ethical issues make it hard to get the balance of teacher/student hierarchy. Everyone's approach is different and there is no 'right' way. I believe as an arts subject we can't be traditional teachers, we have to create a comfortable open platform to allow students to manifest their ideas in full trust. I always say, it's fine to be human and treat them like fellow practitioners, but one must draw the line at any personal details of the teachers life. This seems to create the right respectful atmosphere. Once you have achieved this respect it would be easier to push limits, such as using reduced shakespeare company.

    Check out this article, it gives great ethical advice for working with children within a performing arts capacity....

    I'll read your blog post now and subscribe to you. Let's join each others SIG's as we could collaborate ideas...

