Monday 26 November 2012

Drama Teachers: Stuck on what to do with your next class?

I follow this brilliant blog called Drama online. It gives great ideas and support for drama teachers. just saw this brilliant blog and had to shout about it. It gives a long list of drama scenarios for improvisation. Let's be honest, it friday, your tired and you have run out of steam. You look at you lesson plan and you just can't feel inspired. This blog will give us something to lean on when we need an impulse of creativity...



  1. Hi Ahmet,

    What a great idea. Thanks for the link. I shall definitely be taking a proper look in preparation for the January term! Last term I used a stimulus from Simone's Blog - I shall have to reciprocate with my findings soon..!

    Best Wishes,

  2. Good find Ahmet! Will certainly come in handy at some stage.

  3. Thanks guys,

    You should check out the whole blog. Always finding useful resources to support.

    How is the inquiry going?

