Wednesday, 7 November 2012

TASK 6a: My Pilot Survey

Calling all my SIG!!!

The first research tool I wanted to trial is a survey. This is the tool I'm most sceptical about in terms of it being useful to my research. I'm finding that I am drifting towards a more qualitative research method as essentially I'm collecting peoples thoughts and view points, to hopefully point towards an area within my practice I wish to know better. The survey seems cold and uninspiring. I kept the questions short and simple as I fear getting people to complete it is half the battle. Please let me know what you think...

Survey Link:

If you could please leave feed back on the comments below, that would be really helpful as a way to develop it. Some good feedback points might be...

What was the length like of the questionnaire?
Were the questions/topics appropriate to the inquiry?
What was the atmosphere when carrying out the research?
Where there any topics/questions you felt were missed?
Were there any questions that were unclear or difficult to understand?
Did you feel comfortable and trust the researchers questions?

Thank you


  1. Hi Ahmet

    You say you are driting towards more qualitative research methods, i am doing the same it would seem.

    Do you think this is a postive or negative factor?

    I am struggling to find quantitative methods, and valid useful data with this potentially quite limiting method.

    what do you think?

    following on what you said previously about my terms being quite narrow to my line of work interest i have researched the meanings and opinions of some of the terms which will be used in my inquiry.

    If you have time i would love to see your feedback on it


    1. Hi Jojo,

      I think the approach to the research method comes from the type of research you are doing. I'm not trying to find satistics or charts full of information. It wouldn't help me to know that 60% of performers think they have transferable skills for example... What would be interesting is the collection of ideas and methodology behind various people, therefor a collection of Qualitative data would give me a greater sense of what we need to know. Does that make sense...

      I'll take a look at what you've been up to now...


    2. Hi Ahmet,

      Really interesting survey. I just completed it and clicked done. I hope you got it. I think I may give you a different viewpoint as I don't know as much as others about the teaching but as my experience is acting based I gave you it from that viewpoint. Obviously though I have had great drama teachers in the past at my school that never practiced acting as a career yet were very full of passion for teaching drama.does having experience as a practitioner in the past make you a little less eager to enthuse teenagers to choose it as a career path? Does having past experience as an actor help you to teach it in a less stage school way and a more text based professional way, which is more realistic and gives them an appreciation of writers and their work? I don't know these were just some of my thoughts. I just think why we change career is important to verify as well and does that inform the new path and the new work.

    3. Hi Pauline,

      Thank you so much. Your view point has allowed me to view the questions from a different angle. I think what I'm thriving for is to discover how to be both of what you are describing. I am trying to balance the text based, academic approach to my practice, infused with my practitioner skills i have from my past experience. My inquiry will hopefully inform me of the 'know how' to do this.

      Thanks Pauline


    4. Hi Ahmet, I know I should know this but when one is trying to reply to a comment on your own blog I have just been hitting rely and selecting google account in the drop down menu. However then I go to my gmail and it says I have a new message and it is the reply post that I posted. Am I doing it wrong? Does that mean that the persons whose reply you are thanking themfor doesnt get notified? I know its ridiculous but Im still finding it confusing. Please let me know when you have a sec. Iknow we are alll busy.Thanks.

  2. Hi Ahmet,

    I just did your survey. I did all the questions except one question which you have put on there twice I think?

    If you get a chance and haven't already done it please could you click on mine? That would be great!

    I am starting Reader 6 tonight.

    Thanks :)


    1. Thanks for taking the time to do the survey Rebecca, we are all so busy...

      I have corrected the little blip on the repeat. Thank goodness for piloting to ensure we don't make mistakes on the real survey.

      I'll look at yours now and good luck with reader 6. My critical reflection helped me to understand the importance behind piloting everything...


  3. Ahmet
    we discussed the survey a bit over skype today - there is rationale for gathering quantitative data and a number of individuals do mixed research - although mainly the practitioner research tools/methods we introduce are qualitative perhaps because the social science methodology (vs. scientific) but also the constructivist viewpoint that supports some of the philosophy of the course. However, in saying that, we discussed how asking good questions beyond yes or no in a quantitative approach (as long as you know most f the questions you want to ask and leaving a box for any other comments) can actually save time and give you data that you can then go back to in interviews or focus groups. For this course too, appreciating the range of research about topic areas and the ability to explore topics using textbooks, peer reviewed articles, professional research, and research based on the experience. However scientific research is still seen in many cases as the 'norm' so finding a way to access it could be important for professional activity. I mentioned that some others have had success with questionnaires that are based on previous research and this is sometimes a good way to use research that others have done in that continuous research cycle.. Sorry - long-winded - got warmed up to the topic...

  4. Hi Paula,

    Upon reflecting on our conversation. I think the survey could be useful for two things in the inquiry. Even though the interview, focus groups and observation will be the back bone of my inquiry. The survey could act as a quantitative support to my qualitative findings. it could also act a s a follow up after the interview etc, as a means to cover any ethical issues that might be of concern, such as anonymity and confidentiality. i agree that in my improvement I will try to make quantitive answers available, such as listing the skills and then having an others box...


  5. Hi Ahmet

    Survey completed!! I have been informed by several people that you are interested in a similar inquiry to myself! I have read through your blog and you have some really interesting ideas. Are you interested in this inquiry as you feel like you are at this stage in your career personally or is it just a topic you are keen to learn more about?

    I am inquisitive about the transition from performer to teacher as although I want to teach, I am unsure of the wheres, whys, whens etc!

    Be good to stay in touch and pick each others brains!


    1. Kelly, let's absolutely stay in touch. We could meet and help each other in the analysis part of our inquiry. I came to this course with a plan to use the degree as a vehicle to transport my career from actor to drama tutor. This inquiry will inform and support the very transtion I am making as a practitioner.

      I was also unsure at exactly where I wanted to teach at first. I am happy to talk with you via Skype to discuss how I came to a decision.

      Will you be using your inquiry as away to explore the 'wheres, whys and whens'?

