Monday 18 February 2013

JRCS Research Day Success

The research day was a success and I now see that my planning in module two, leads my path successfully in module 3.

My journal reflects:

Observations - An amazingly useful tool and something I can see myself doing in and out of inquiry mode. Looking at experienced practitioners and how they deal with issues within their practice, helped me to sit and reflect on what I can take, what I can never do and what I need to improve on. By looking at the practice of someone else, I am able to go back to my work with challenges and justification. Rather than continuing with the same ideas as a practitioner, this notion informs me and constantly renews my knowledge. The aspects of pratice uncovered for my inquiry were full of patterns and differences and all in all, very exciting.

Focus Group - Firstly what struck me was the generosity within my community of practice. Once I had them all there, they were more than willing to give there opinions and voice there issues. This act of sharing was all rooted in the idea of helping a fellow practitioner. In my reflections after, what really stood out was the idea that these practitioners actually found my focus group as useful for themselves as it was to me. There seemed to be a sense of therapy about it, a kind of 'get it of your chest' feeling within the discussion. They got very emotional at times and wanted to deal with past issues of practice, using the discussion as a way to express what was learnt from past pressures and how they can improve their practice.

Next are some interviews...

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