Wednesday 17 October 2012

Summary of Module 2, Part 4

I found my summary of each part of Module 1 a very useful reflective practice. It is a way to channel what I am learning and I intend to carry this notion on in Module 2. It was good to plug in and touch base with Paula Nottingham over skype and gather all my ideas and blogs from the last month or so, I wanted to start by saying that even though it appears that I am summarising Part 4, I by no means am saying that my work here is done. Through blog commenting, collaboration of these new exciting SIGs and the continuous engagement of the course, my ideas live on, grow and are ever developing. However, as a way of consolidation, it is good to stop for a minute, reflect and know what it is that I now know or still don't know. 

My last blog in Part 4 titled, My Area of Inquiry was an attempt to officialise my idea for inquiry and give it a tangible presence. Up until now it has always been in my head, my journal tells me, "it is important to put the inquiry idea out there," so that it may develop and change. The blog also shows the recipe and journey that brought to my idea for inquiry. There has been a shift in my thinking in that, rather than seeing my questions as a way to get results or answers. I now see them as questions that point towards an area I feel worthy of exploration, in an attempt to resolve as appose to answer. I feel what I need to explore more is this idea of asking questions in the most tactful way, hopefully my learning on Ethics might help this.

Refining and Refocusing

This was an interesting point that appeared during my skype session with Paula. Having developed my questions. I now can begin to notice where they point to and what interests me. The next step is to refine these questions, bringing an element of focus to the inquiry. I am hoping that Reader 6 will be the tool and learning, that will deliver this very important refining process the inquiry needs. Also, the idea that by categorising the questions and grouping them into three points of interest was advised by Paula. I found this advice useful, this grouping of the questions will allow an element of focus in the asking and allow me to know what questions best serve my inquiry. Sub questions was also an idea.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and conversing through SIGs.


  1. Hi Ahmet, I think your writing is really maturing and clear. I am glad you found that some habits of study like the summary blogs, continue to be useful beyond the first module where you started them.
    My kind of research practice comes from a place where answers can not really exist. Questions are not for answering they are for understanding or clarity. This is because I do not believe anything stays the same, so the 'answer' to something only lives for the moment it is discovered. For one thing the 'answer' itself can affect the 'question'. I think as you say the idea of questions is much more about where you are putting energy - what area you are working in - rather than what answers you want to get.
    Great work

  2. Hi Ahmet,

    Adesola's point is well made. Questions perhaps say at least as much about or more about where we are coming from, the messages we carry, the experiences we have had. I think more and more about questions ... as vehicles for thinking.

    I have talked about this in my post on questions:

  3. Thanks, Adesola, it's really nice to hear my writing is improving. We've discussed this before and as my professional voice has grown in confidence, so has my writing. Thank you again for you comment, again a great way to look at answers being 'unchangeable'. Rather through exploring the area of the question one can allow it to move and breath with the outside world.

  4. Thanks for the link Alan, I actually found it really interesting that my questions acted as a good support to my award rationale. It displayed my area of knowledge and where I wish to expand.


  5. Hi Ahmet
    I have a profile on LinkedIn and have sent you an invitation. I think once you accept I can join your SIG and am happy to comment and discuss your potential inquiry. Can you confirm that your SIG in via LinkedIn?
    I think you posses clear developing, investigative questions for your inquiry which has to do with your business and personal development. I found with my inquiry, I needed to look at the bigger picture, to look to the end of my inquiry and work backwards to assist with developing those questions in a way. I found the process of developing intelligent questions can be achieved through SIG's and networking with other actors, teachers, friends and family and keeping those questions at the forefront of you mind, thus testing them out in conversation. I found the questions evolved and I changed the wording as people's perception of the question wasn't the same as mine.
    Mind shift is good, I think it takes you to a new edge. Scary but very exciting....

    1. Hi Corinda,
      Just accepted your invitation so hopefully we can connect our SIGs... Look forwrad to talking with you soon,

