Monday 26 March 2012

Who are we blogging for anyway?

My last journal entry inspired this blog post. After I reflected on some blog comments and had a few conversions about my blog I had at the campus session. I started to think about altering the way I'm writing my blog, in fear that people weren't getting as much from it as I'd like. Some of my questions were;

Can a post be too long? If someone sees a two thousand word blog post, will they bother to read it?

Is the writing style chatty enough? Does it need to be more accessible?

And then an important question arose during my reflections...

Who is this blog for anyway? Surely it's for me... I think it's important to get my ideas out there in the world, but there is something about playing for comments that doesn't sit right with the ethos of the course. This blog is a free space for me to discover my learning and record it. Changing the way I blog would only hinder that journey.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated...


  1. Hi Ahmet

    I have often pondered over this question too. I have been concerned that several posts on my blog have been too long and I have noticed that I tend to receive comments on the shorter blogs. This is frustrating for me as I want to receive feedback!

    I considered editing the posts but then I thought everything I had written was of value to me. Whilst I am trying to create an interesting read, I also want to be seen to be engaging fully in the tasks. I have attempted to make my blog more interesting by using visual aids (diagrams and videos etc). I have also changed the layout of my blog so it seems more attractive. I experimented with font and photos and have a reached a stage where I am more content with the way I display my work. I'm sure this will change again if I discover new ideas!

    I think like any product, the packaging is important. Although we might have interesting ideas and theories, the way in which we display them is important to create that initial interest. I know I can honestly say I have dismissed a blog or article if it is not easy to read or covered with distracting patterns behind the text.

    I think this is a relevant issue to be raised.

    Hope your critical reflection is going well!

  2. Hi Kelly,

    It's nice to share the same struggles as someone as a way of working out if action needs to be taken. I think all you can do is put your ideas out there and engage with other blogs. I began to see it like a good comedian would play the comedy as the truth and not play for laughs. If we start blogging ideas or in ways to get a reaction, the truth of our work may suffer. So I say if you've got 2000 words worth of an idea, get it out there, when it comes to your critical reflection at the end, it will be of use to you I think...

    Yes, I'm in the wrapping up stages of all the drafts now. It scares me to think I am actually saying that I have kind of finished it, as once it's done there is no turning back - it's being assessed. I haven't quite managed to post it yet... And you how is it going Kelly?
