Wednesday 4 April 2012

TASK 3d - Critical Questions and Issues that emerge.

What ideas have come up about my networks and sources? I have mentioned this in my last few blogs on the tasks on networking, the ethos of my network is definitely one of the future. It seems that I now need to look to create a network that points me to a future practice and supports me with advice and knowledge, and aids my transition from actor to teacher, if education is what I finally decide. 

Do I share the same ideas as others in my practice about my network? Yes, comments (some below) and my blog on networking theories helps me answer this. I carried out a networking questionnaire, it helped me see the views of other practitioners and their likening to my ideas.

Does communicating my ideas shift my thinking or planning in my practice? Sharing and comparing my ideas to others, leaves me with a feeling of well informed thoughts or decisions. It allows me to explore and bounce off other like minded practitioners. The concepts given to me in reader 3 help me understand the importance of this, from my meaning of practice ideas to my engagement in a learning community, being apart of my network informs my ideas for my practice.

Does critical reflection aid me to know what really matters and what action needs to be taken? It's in the breaking down of the events and the analysing process that reflection brings, that helps me to know what ideas are important in my work. It does this by externalising my thoughts about my practice, so i'm able to revert back to my work and see what is highlighted. Once i see the important aspects of the reflection, new ideas are born. I found this discovery in my blog on reflective theories.

To what extent do concepts and theories assist my thinking within my ways of networking? And does this difference have a purpose to you? Concepts and theories allow me to engage in my network with a sense of knowing, mentioned in my network theory blog (linked above), the concepts have given me a heightened awareness of the theories behind networking. This difference in my approach to my network is extremely important as I now recognise a sense of command over my networks that was absent before.

Am I left thinking differently prior to this part of he module? I now have a clear view of where i am in my practice and where I want to be. Through detailed reflection on my current networks I am able to know my position in my practice, this aids me to realise the changes that need to be made and the directions that will take me to a network that suits the future of my practice.

Below are some comments of critical reflection I have been making on the work of others on the BAPP programme. I looked at making and taking critical reflection this blog post. It has taken some time to practice and develop and professional, critical tone in my comments.

"Didn't think of my agent as a source of information, but of course they are... I wondered, you talk about google giving you information, do you ever use it as a source to inspire your work? I find the information on google can help me make character decisions? I wondered if you used the information to base any decisions on your art"? 

"This is a great post Simone, it really supports this idea of not just moving up through your networks but sideways and out. Unlike performing where its generally about moving up and progressing. I'm finding it essential to network sideways to other teachers, so I can rely on their experience.
This inter-connection you talk about. Do you think it happens naturally or is there away of making it work that way? I wonder if there is a benefit to connecting all your individual networks"? 

"A well worth thing to do is to look deeply into your networks. I found it really useful, it helped me visualise my network and see its full potential. Has this post brought your attention to something within your networks or highlighted what needs to be done for the future"?

"I have the same reservations about twitter Hannah, it's a networking step too far for me. How do you feel on the break down in privacy this sort of Web 2.0 platform can bring? Do you have any concerns with people knowing too much"? 

"Great post, isn't it exciting to see your learning in your practice.
I think it does exist naturally in what we do. Improvisation is what we do as the art or expressive bit. The structure comes when we use our creativity to communicate with others. Both themes need each other to survive - maybe?

"I think you should write in the journal the way it naturally comes. I think it's maybe not so much about how you write something, but the action of allowing thoughts to roll and ideas to develop. It's a place you can go and just release your feelings. I found the deeper I go the more the journal content gets interesting.
What do you think?

I think the difficulty with it is knowing for sure what you want to do. Then the tittle can colour this for you. The difficult thing is making it as diverse as possible so you can get everything out of it. From reading your blog your practice seems to have many faces. The tittle needs to reflect this too"... 

"I think knowing your learning style is important. Tharp talks about knowing who you are is important as it means you can play to your strengths. I do like regularity and I enjoy having structure. I'm not sure this means I'm searching for the 'right' way of doing things. I think that if the foundations of my learning has a pattern, it could suggest that I have a comfortable platform in which to be in the present moment and allow myself to just be. Maybe I see it like breathing exercises before the meditation (prana yama). I agree that one should be brave and never get too comfortable, it's this notion that brought me to the course, maybe I need to experiment with changing the pattern, to see what effect that has? I noticed in previous journal/blogs that this very blog spot enables me to always remain in a position of engagement with the tasks. The very fact that the door never closes on my work and through commenting, my work is allowed to breath and live online. On this basis I feel I am able to fully engage with the process as my ideas are under the constant influence of the people on the BAPP programme and beyond. They are something I never leave behind, in which ever direction I move, left, right, back or up, I can always refer to them as food for the journey.
I wondered, is there any exercises or activities you do that helps you practice just being"?

"Praxis. This is a new idea to me. Found a good website... An informed and committed action. This is hard to practice, I think as a society we are conditioned to focus on the value of an action. I do have an understanding for engaging in an action for the mere experience, but find that I have to keep reminding myself of this and realign my thoughts back to the theme of praxis. I do see the benefits from being present, I can't promise I will always be able to practice it successfully, but an awareness is developing. "Awareness is the key to change." Tolle, E. 2008. Thanks Paula". 

"I guess it might be a case of having to shift your attention, maybe we need to see it not as positive and negative. But rather that it is what it is. That we we can 'critically' reflect without feeling like we are looking for negatives. Surely seeing something for the beauty it actually is rather than what others perceive as good or bad is beautiful...
What do you think"?

The following critical reflections are on blogs of practitioners outside the BAPP course. This was interesting to look further and beyond the course and begin my search on new networks.

"I am hoping to become a teacher, I hear all sorts of horror stories about teachers and facebook. My concern is that it is a great networking tool to share contacts and information. I rely on gaining valuable information from facebook for my practice. Do you think it can be a sacrifice to your knowledge as a professional to delete your facebook"?

"I have a question, facebook has been apart of the change in the way people communicate in the world today. I'm seeing more and more developments of the idea now. Lots of social technology sites are cornering off and becoming less general, BranchOut for example is specific to the professional. Is this the way social media is going? Is there yet again another communication revolution happening?
What are your thoughts"?

"I wonder if it would be beneficial to extend your profile a little more. I have looked into the profile early on in my course. I feel it's job is to tell your story of who you are? I really like the end line and like the warmth it brings. Did you keep it short for a reason"?

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