Monday 30 January 2012

TASK 1a: Professional profile

I automatically put my profile up on my page when I created this blog late last year. I guess I'm so used to doing it for programs and employers, I had no idea that it would actually be one of our tasks. So what I'm interested in is how I can develop my profile, to do this I invite you all in a critical conversasion - Lets share profiles... Mine can be found on the right of this page, please read it and comment on anything you feel I can change and improve about it. Is it too chatty and informal? Is the joke at the end too much? Is it detailed enough or have I just skimmed over my theatre credits?

And my search for good profiles begins...


  1. Late last night, I decided on a couple of profile tweeks. When I thought about the job of my profile and what I want it to do, I realised you could colour and decorate it in any way that would tell your story the way you want it to be told. I need my profile to impress. So I wanted lots of wow factor and energy from it. The danger is, one can sound like a show off. Do I have the balance right?!

  2. Hi Ahmet,
    You can't sleep at night either, just like me!!!
    I have just been working on Task 1a myself. I am really hoping that I've got it right too! - Although I think we were told that there is no right or wrong on this course!? Phew!
    I have read your profile and I am hoping that you are cool with me offering what is meant as constructive criticism. (and I await your constructive criticism of my profile please! :-) )
    At first glance, for me there seems to be too much. What I mean is that I have read it almost as a list of credits, which I would prefer to read as a list and I feel like I've missed something!?
    What I would actually like to learn is what those jobs have given you as in transferable skills, experience etc. Why would I like to attend your classes? Why would I choose to employ you?
    Whilst the screen is in this position for me to write my reply, I can now pay attention to what I see as the main section, which goes from "My work as a director...".
    I have gained the most information about you by reading the beginning & the end of your profile. It's great! You have done so much with you career already and it now sounds like you're on an exciting chapter of your life.
    I love the title of your Theatre School too! - Just spotted that! P.S You don't come across as a show off, you should be proud of everything you have achieved so far...

  3. Jo,

    At last a critical comment. Thank you for taking a look and yes, there is no right or wrong on this course. I'm learning that its all about developing ideas and allowing them to grow through inward and outward reflection (did I just say that, where did that come from...)

    So are you saying that the middle needs shortening and clarifying?

    I am just about to check out yours, some critical reflection come right back at ya...

  4. After Jo kindly gave me some points of improvement for my profile. I decided to take it all on board. She had brought to my attention that the beginning and end were strong, but the middle got I little lost. Sometimes we get very precious over our credits and like an old shirt you just don't want to throw out, we hang onto them for dear life. But I had to bring it back to the purpose of my profile. To highlight who I am... So, I have got rid of some of the lists of jobs and tried to just give people an sense of the type of professional I am, with out list every little detail.
